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5m APS Bullseye Handgun

About this Rule

This competition rule and its target were created, inspired by the the JASG (Japan Air Sports Gun association) APS CUP competition rules. The content of this rule significantly differs from the official APS CUP rules. For the official JASG APS CUP competition rules, please visit the JASG official page.

JASG APS Bulls-eye is a part of the APS Cup competition organized by JASG, and it is a precision shooting competition using airsoft guns. This competition requires accurate shooting skills and concentration, making it highly challenging and appealing to shooting enthusiasts.

The Common Rules

Please refer to the common rules first.


Handgun, including revolvers.

  • Sights: Any sights are allowed.


Standing, gun held in one hand only. Use of artificial support is prohibited.


APS Bullseye Target.

  • X ring in the center
  • Three rings of 10, 8, 5 points
APS Bullseye Target

Courses of Fire

5 shots in 2 minutes. 2 stages.

Commands, Control, and Operations

  1. Sighting Shot

    A sighting shot is allowed before the first stage. Ensure the safety is on and do not touch the trigger.

  2. Firing Procedures and Commands

    You may load and cock your gun before the following "STANDBY" command.

    When ready to start, you will receive the command "STANDBY." Do not touch the trigger and keep your arm and muzzle pointed below 45 degrees downward.

    Then the commands "READY" and "GO" will be given. After the "GO" command, you can point the gun toward the target and start shooting.

    The "CEASE FIRING" signal is given at the end of the time limit for each stage. FIRING MUST CEASE IMMEDIATELY.